About JJRG
Team official name: Jakarta Japan Rugby Gila (common name: JJRG)
Formed: April 1, 2000 (Founded by Japanese Rugby players, who were part of ISCI Rugby Club, around 1996-2000.)
Club Members: About 70
- General Manager: Kenji Katsumoto
- Captain: Goki Tokizaki
- Vice Captain: Ayumu Yorozui, Yujiro Takano
- Match Secretary: Teruhiko Kameoka
- Assistant Match Secretary: Seigo Kinoshita
- Accounting: Mitsuhiro Hashimoto
- Admin: Tsuyoshi Goto
- Public Relations: Shaun Gozali
- Jr. Professionals: Shinichiro Maeda
After being assigned to Jakarta in 1996, joined the ISCI rugby club. There were only Japanese in the team of foreigners, Takamatsu (Seikei), Sugimoto (Osho Univ.), Kamibayashi (Osaka Univ.), And Umekawa (Tokyo Univ.).
After that, by around 1999, Japanese athletes were gradually receiving reviews such as Oketani (Waseda), Fujino (Seikei), Maeda (Meikaku), Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Ansai (Science Univ.), Katsuyama (Kyoto Univ.). Was increasing.
An article about the Asian Japanese Rugby (AJRC) tournament held in Bangkok in 1999 was published in the Asahi Shimbun overseas edition, and a friend from Singapore sent me. When you drank this
“Jakarta is also in Asia. We want to come out.”
“But it’s impossible for 7 people.”
“No, if you recruit players, there will be more. Let’s recruit players and participate.” Katsuyama is enthusiastic
I said, “Okay, let’s recruit players.”
A poster created by Mrs. Oketani was posted on “Cosmo,” which was the only supermarket for Japanese people at the time, and a thread for recruiting rugby players was posted on the Japanese online bulletin board “Yorozu Indonesia” in Jakarta.
Whenever I visited a customer at work, I started to solicit them, asking them if they had any experience of rugby.
There were over 15 players in a blink of an eye, and a Japanese team was formed.
The official day of formation was April 1, 2000.
The team name is JJRG: Jakarta Japan Rugby Gila (Gila: Crazy in Indonesian)
History / Captain:
April 1, 2000 JJRG launched
First appearance at Asian Japanese Cup (one-day tournament of Asian-based Japanese rugby club) at the end of 2000
2007-2008: Captain Saito
2008-2010: Captain Doai
2010-2011: Captain Ishii
2011: Host country of Asian Japanese Cup
2011-2012: Captain Toyoda
2012-2013: Captain Kamogawa
2013-2014: Captain Tasaka
2014-2016: Captain Oya
2016-2018: Captain Mita
2018-2020: Captain Ishizaka and Captain Sonishi
2019: Host country of Asian Japanese Cup
2020-2023: Captain Oya (2nd time)
2023-Present: Captain Tokizaki